Respect is the culture of the team. The team is family.
Rugby creates a learning environment. The first stage of learning is silence, the second stage is listening.
For the strength of the pack is the wolf, and the strength of the wolf is the pack.
It’s not expecting someone else to do your job for you. It teaches you not to expect things to be handed to you.
Character triumphs over talent. Collective characters vital to success.
Let someone else praise your virtues.
The kids are taught never to get too big to do the small things.
A collection of individuals without integrity will ultimately and inevitably fail. Character triumphs over talent.
From self - knowledge we develop character and integrity, and from character and integrity comes leadership.
Character begins with humility, successful leaders balance pride with humility: Absolute pride in performance; total humility before the magnitude of the task.
Humility does not mean weakness, but its opposite. Leaders with mana understand the strength of humility.
Humility begins at the level of communication and a learning environment in which one has all the answers. Each individual is invited to contribute solutions to the challenges being posed.
Humility allows us to ask a simple question: how can we do this better?
The confidence of youth players will grow as they learn, understand and play the game of rugby.
Character triumphs over talent.
The challenge of every team is to build feeling of oneness, of dependence on one another.
Collective character is vital to success. Focus on getting the culture right; the results will follow.
We create leaders by passing on responsibility, creating ownership, accountability, trust to the players.
Shared responsibility means shared ownership. A sense of inclusion means individuals are more willing to give themselves a common cause.
We instill in the team members a sense of great self-worth that each, at any given time, can be the most important on the rugby field.
Get up everyday and be the best you can be. Be the best in the World…Give your all for every second of every minute of the games you’ll play. You can do no more than that. Never let the music die in you.
It doesn’t matter what level of talent has been given to us, what size we are or how fast or slow we run. It was what we did with that talent that counts. No excuses and no exceptions. The only thing is to be the best that you can possibly be.
We are creating a learning environment.
Rugby is both enjoyable to play and entertaining to watch. Anyone can play rugby.
Something that gives keen satisfaction.
The game of rugby provides great enjoyment, satisfaction, and fun.
The game is physical & intellectual.
A great rugby coach said “ So I’m very keen on it being learning environment.” The result of this is that people get better, they’re always improving…How can we make this better, how can we improve this?
Be the best you can possibly be.
Success is modest improvement consistently done.
The kids will develop friendships with other rugby players on their team, players in their club and with the opposition they play against.
The rugby culture is like no other sport.
They will belong to the largest sport family in the world.